Thursday, June 27, 2013


On our way to Spain we decided to stop off in Dubai to catch up with my cousin, Jane, who works for Emirates Airline. After spending 2 months in India and Nepal, Dubai was a real shock to the system, further enhanced by the fact that Jane took us to some of the fanciest places and we indulged in decadence for 2 entire days. Drinks by the beach and 50 floors up, amazing Middle Eastern food, swimming pools and shopping malls (which are not normally our thing but Dubai’s are pretty spectacular...)
It was great to see Jane again and was our last chance to see her in Dubai as she is heading back to the land of Oz next month to begin university. After travelling around the world in style it will certainly be a significant readjustment for her to play the role of student again. I can’t imagine what her 17-18 year old uni friends will say to her dropping the occasional “I just wish the cafeteria would get their croissants from that little patisserie on the Champs-Élysées” or “this exam was harder than a 12 hour flight to Nigeria”. 

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